Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First Bite

This is what i know about Apples.

1. I don't like them.
2. It is once said that they keep doctors away. (like garlic for vampires)
3.  I believe number 2 to be factual.
4. Its the name of a certain over priced brand.
5. Adam has an Apple.
6. Apparently, Eve wanted one too, so she ate the forbidden fruit.
7. Its all Christian Bale ate when he lost more than 60 pounds.
8. It's what sent Snow White to Lala-Land before the Prince kissed her back to awareness. 
9. It is featured in the cover of Twilight, (one of the very few things i liked about Twilight)  
10. some say, its shaped like the heart.
11. It's what Shinigami's eat (Death Note)
12. Archers use it for target practice. (apples on top of a persons head)
13. It makes a good projectile object. 
14. Sire Isaac Newton is very fond of apples.

So far I had all that thought of.

Then this one commercial went on. 

It wont necessarily mean anything to anyone, but apples are also what's placed on a pigs mouth when it's  made into a lechon.

So i made this for pun/fun :p

So it took me one hour to finish a single apple, mostly because I took pictures and videos of me doing so, but, i guess its not that bad. 

As for my meal, my Aunt brought home this delicious Tinapa from Bataan. It went well with fried rice and the side dish of sliced tomatoes with a pinch of salt.


That's not the only thing my Aunt brought back.

She also brought...


What will become of our epic hero? Will she fall into TEMPTATION or be able to over come her biggest fear?

Stay tuned for more episodes of.



Yes, i did fall into temptation.. I hate half a can, and took a walk around the village with my aunt, i feel so bad about it. Graaahhh!!

Till next time!



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