Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3 : More Temptations

It took forever, but finally, I have time to blog again. Sort of.

Anyway, I started the day with breakfast.

One apple, scrambled eggs and a slice of bread with ketchup on the side

There was nothing to do the whole day, i remember lazing around for hours doing nothing, only feeling hunger when it as near nightfall.

My personal Chef and Nutritionist (Ate Donz) decided to cook din-din. Her classic what-ever-goes-pasta. Surprisingly enough, I liked it.

 Doesn't look like what it claims to be, does it?

Then night came quick, before i knew it, Temptation # 3 unwrapped it's self and jumped inside my mouth. I swear... It's not me! (Oh bugger)

Seriously, that's how it feels like most times


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